Friday, July 3, 2009

Peace and Quiet!

Today the boys are staying at Nana and Poppa's house for a sleepover. They are going to see wolves this evening..literally hiking out to a remote spot to watch wolves howl! It sounds very cool. But the best part is that Daddy and I get time to unwind and have time to sit in the garden, enjoying the sun without the million trips to see why Peanut hung Button from the slide, or how Button managed to get the lightsaber so high in the tree etc. As I blog right now, I hear the Grateful Dead playing (we are having a renaissance in music at the moment,) and I am sure I will not have to pause for anything.

Of course, I always miss the boys a great deal when they have sleepovers at Nana and Poppa's house, but not enough to say no. After all, they are getting quality time with their grandparents and I get time with my Hubby. Sleepovers happen once every couple of months or less, so that is another reason I try to push my 'missing the boys' feelings away. Where will we go tonight? Hmm...perhaps we will go to the Crab Shell in Stamford. It is great for outside entertainment and dining but can also seat people indoors if we have yet another storm.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Try Other Blog

I decided to blog about my summer with the boys on a new Blog: Summertime Fun. I am not sure how it will pan out as I seem to be focused on the attempt to educate my boys rather than have fun with them. Perhaps I need to create different sections for the each focus? Although I started this blog last year, I have not had much time to do anything. Now I want to work on links and other bloggie type things.